Education Consultancy

Education Consultancy


Middle School

A student who has finished primary school and entered middle school is a student who has reached a certain level of consciousness. A student who spends 4 years with the same teacher in primary school has a very warm and sincere relationship with his/her teacher. A student who moves on to middle school takes each lesson from a different teacher. The warm and sincere atmosphere suddenly turns into a formal and serious atmosphere.

This change, which seems small to us, can sometimes turn into a big problem that will cause confusion in the student's world. At this point, the student's orientation to middle school should be provided with good coaching and problems should be detected and resolved in a timely manner.

In the scientific and psychological development of the student, we have to divide middle school into two periods and exhibit a different approach in each period. The first period of middle school is the 5th and 6th grades, and the second period is the 7th and 8th grades. These two periods have separate importance in the student's academic, psychological and social development.

In the first period, activities should be followed by taking the student's capacity into account and the student's participation in these competitions and events should be ensured. For example, Kangaroo Math studies, introduction to coding, various language exams and competitions, and participation in memoir, fairy tale or story competitions should be encouraged.

In the 7th and 8th grades, which we call the second term, LGS-centered education should be gradually adopted. In this period, the literacy of the first term should be continued without being forgotten and with less time allocated, while the main time and emphasis should be given to LGS subjects. Because the key to a good university is to get into a good high school. Our main subject in the 7th and 8th grades is to get into one of the best high schools in Turkey.

With Euro Academy Consultancy, students who want to achieve great success are monitored within the framework of the principles we have listed above and the student's success level is tried to be increased to the highest possible level.

High School

A student who finishes middle school and moves on to high school encounters a much more intense atmosphere. Even if the student gets into a good high school, he/she should continue to be closely monitored by a good education coach. The goal for achieving high success is to study at one of the best universities in the world. The way to do this is to organize the 4-year high school education correctly and receive the necessary education on time. High school education should be divided into two parts. 9th and 10th grades are the first term, 11th and 12th grades are the second term.

It should be ensured that the student participates in local, national and international events and competitions related to his/her talents and skills. For example, he/she should be encouraged to enter TÜBİTAK, Olympics, IELTS, TOEFL, MUN, London Music Academy, sports competitions, story, fairy tale and other types of competitions.

If the family and the student continue these processes under the control of Euro Academy Consultancy, at the end of the 10th grade, our student;

1. Has received at least 6.5 from IELTS,

2. Has completed at least one written language (e.g. phyton) in information technologies,

3. Has solved the basic subjects in mathematics,

4. Has participated in at least one national competition in Creative Writing,

5. Has completed the apprenticeship period in an art field and

6. Has won a place in one of the local competitions in sports.

In the 11th and 12th grades, which we call the second term, we come across two different paths depending on the situation. If the student is going to study domestically, they are enrolled in TYT and AYT-centered education. At the end of the 11th grade, TYT and at the end of the 12th grade, AYT subjects are completed.

If the student is going to study abroad, deficiencies are completed with a special program to be created according to their country and university. In addition, during this period, the literacy of the first term should be continued without being forgotten and with less time allocated.

Students who want to achieve great success with Euro Academy Consultancy are monitored within the framework of the principles we have listed above and the student's success level is tried to be increased to the highest possible level.


Euro Academy Consultancy does not leave our students alone during their university education and is with them both in the course and homework, project, internship and thesis stages. Many students who move from high school to university education may experience orientation problems in the first stage. We definitely do not leave our students alone during the orientation process and we help them with both course reinforcement and the process of getting used to the environment.

One of the biggest phobias of students is preparing homework, projects or thesis. The homework and project process is a painful and labor-intensive process. Many students take homework and projects lightly and transfer information from various sources to their work. Such things may not be noticeable during secondary education, but such mistakes made during university education may cause the student to fail the course or even receive a penalty. Because plagiarism (information theft) is involved. In addition, the prepared texts should be prepared according to the spelling and punctuation rules and should be in accordance with the footnote and bibliography procedure based on the text preparation guide of the relevant university. After all the technical rules,America & England & Germany & Canada & Italy & Poland…

Specific Preparation for Country, University or Department Targeted Language Skills Targeted Academic Equipment Targeted Social Skill Gains Program According to Admission and Scholarship Requirements 1 Hour Overseas Coaching Per Week Professional and Personality Analysis


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