Preschool Teaching in Germany

Preschool Teaching in Germany

We send students to preschool schools that we have agreements with in many states and cities in Germany.

There is no separate department for preschool education at German universities. All students who want to become preschool teachers, regardless of who they are, receive special Ausbildung training for preschool teachers after high school.

Ausbildung training is 3 years and most days of the week are spent in the form of internships.

Students do internships at preschool educational institutions.

For example, while they receive theoretical training at school 1 day a week, they are in practice at internship centers 4 days a week.

Since internships form the main backbone of the training, they receive a salary between 1000 and 1400 Euros per month during their 3-year education. This salary covers all their expenses. In addition, they do not need to receive support or work for their living.
